3.CBBOX.146.193 51.CBBOX.253.4 3.CBBOX.176.255 3.CBBOX.102.111 44.CBBOX.93.215 34.CBBOX.197.197 3.CBBOX.40.182 44.CBBOX.65.8 3.CBBOX.180.70 3.CBBOX.211.16 18.CBBOX.148.239 44.CBBOX.76.210 54.CBBOX.114.76 52.CBBOX.71.8 52.CBBOX.216.196 18.CBBOX.238.178 52.CBBOX.77.169 52.CBBOX.29.57 184.CBBOX.195.18 44.CBBOX.37.41 44.CBBOX.139.149 184.CBBOX.239.35 52.CBBOX.92.83 18.CBBOX.201.119 34.CBBOX.87.80 44.CBBOX.213.220 54.CBBOX.109.140 51.CBBOX.253.10 52.CBBOX.102.51 54.CBBOX.7.119 18.CBBOX.172.92 18.CBBOX.77.19 52.CBBOX.194.165 52.CBBOX.174.136 52.CBBOX.232.250 166.CBBOX.228.234 54.CBBOX.98.248 51.CBBOX.253.14 3.CBBOX.82.254 23.CBBOX.119.232 54.CBBOX.102.81 3.CBBOX.61.202 54.CBBOX.81.20 52.CBBOX.15.233 52.CBBOX.105.244 3.CBBOX.13.10 44.CBBOX.210.112 54.CBBOX.169.196 3.CBBOX.106.93 18.CBBOX.95.12 34.CBBOX.156.59 23.CBBOX.213.182 44.CBBOX.193.255 34.CBBOX.197.175 3.CBBOX.199.128 34.CBBOX.45.47 3.CBBOX.176.44 111.CBBOX.204.213 54.CBBOX.203.24 52.CBBOX.123.241 44.CBBOX.61.66 52.CBBOX.76.156 44.CBBOX.252.58 3.CBBOX.156.96 3.CBBOX.80.71 52.CBBOX.237.170 18.CBBOX.172.52 52.CBBOX.249.218 54.CBBOX.59.155 52.CBBOX.144.158 54.CBBOX.32.123 23.CBBOX.250.48 3.CBBOX.70.171 52.CBBOX.47.227 34.CBBOX.243.131 52.CBBOX.6.26 54.CBBOX.238.89 3.CBBOX.74.248 52.CBBOX.191.202 |
total 79 number (M:0 / G:79) |
Signal Report |
10-09-11 16:35 4,574
1 - Unreadable. 2 - Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable. 3 - Readable with considerable difficulty. 4 - Readable with practically no difficulty. 5 - Perfectly readable.
SIGNAL STRENGTH 1 - Faint signals, barely perceptible. 2 - Very weak signals. 3 - Weak signals. 4 - Fair signals. 5 - Fairly good signals. 6 - Good signals. 7 - Moderately strong signals. 8 - Strong signals. 9 - Extremely strong signals.
TONE 1 - Sixty cycle a.c. or less, very rough and broad. 2 - Very rough a.c. very harsh and broad. 3 - Rough a.c. tone, rectified but not filtered. 4 - Rough note, some trace of filtering. 5 - Filtered rectified a.c. but strongly ripple modulated. 6 - Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation. 7 - Near pure tone, trace of ripple of modulation. 8 - Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation. 9 - Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation of any kind. ¡¡ If the signal has the characteristic steadiness of crystal control, add the letter X to the RST report. If there is a chirp, the letter C may be added to so indicate. Similarly for a click, add K. The above reporting system is used on both c.w. and voice, leaving out the¡°tone¡±report on voice.